Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Will Calorie Restriction Work at My Age?

Research presented at the British Society for Research on Aging conference, held July 15-16 in Newcastle, England reveals that calorie restriction, even started later in life, reduces age related cellular deterioration: a major cause of aging.

Researchers at Newcastle University fed adult mice a calorie restricted diet and found a decrease of age related cellular deterioration. They also found that the animals' telomeres, which are protective caps on the ends of the chromosomes that prevent DNA mutation were better maintained, also oxidative stress caused by free radicals was reduced.

"Many people will have heard of the theory that eating a very low calorie diet can help to extend life span and there is a lot of evidence that this is true," lead researcher Chunfang Wang commented. "It's particularly exciting that our experiments found this effect when food restriction was applied in later life," added Professor Thomas von Zglinicki, who contributed to the work.

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