Wednesday, March 24, 2010

JAMA--Women need hour workouts?

Today's article fascinates me on the obvious. The headline states that "WOMAN NEED HOUR WORKOUTS TO BEAT FAT." The article is written by Lindsey Tanner AP Medical writer. It was published in the Chicago Sun Times yesterday and The Modesto BEE today. The research was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The newspaper article link is below.,CST-NWS-women24.article

What is fascinating is this statement at the end of the article. "Hormonal changes in menopause can make women prone to weight gain, especially around the belly."

The Mac's say:

"People think our hormones decrease because we age, but in reality, we age because our hormones decrease." Don't let your hormones decrease! Get on bioidentical hormone replacement today! Instead of working out for more than an hour every day optimize your hormones. You'll still need to exercise-BUT NOT FOR OVER AN HOUR EVERYDAY!

And feel great again!

I have been on Hormone therapy for several months and have found that I can go an go. When I first began hormone therapy, I realized that I had been very motivated about life. I asked Vicky, how long it had been since we had stayed home for a weekend. She looked at the calendar and told me 27 weeks. That's over six months! That wasn't me! I loved my soft cushy couch. Hormones got me out into the world and I haven't stopped. I work now more than I ever did. I do because it is fun! Work is fun! I recommend hormone therapy to everyone that is found deficient. Bioidentical Hormones, not synthetic if at all possible.

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