I believe that the most detrimental disease to man and womankind is excess weight. Dr. Mac
Dr. David B. McDaniels is a anti-aging specialist practicing for nearly 30 years. He has lectured to thousands of physicians internationally. He offers free person to person consultations and telephone consultations at his offices in Modesto and Fremont.
Did you know that over 58 million Americans are overweight, another 40 million are considered obese and another 3 million are considered morbidly obese! The statistics now show that 8 out of every 10 Americans over twenty-five years old are considered overweight. There has also been a 76% increase in Type II Diabetes in adults 30 to 40 years old in the past ten years. Research also indicates that 80% of Type II Diabetes, 70% of cardiovascular disease, 42% of breast and colon cancers, 30% of gall bladder disease and 27% of High Blood Pressure problems are directly related to obesity.
Where did this epidemic come from? Obesity appears to have begun once eating became a scheduled social event. Psychologically, when we eat on a schedule, we will eat enough at that meal to sustain us until the next scheduled meal. This makes us eat more than what is actually necessary.
The advent of social eating did bring about a new art, the culinary arts. As we do with all great art, we had to imitate it. This imitation brought about the industrialization of our food, the processed food industry. By processing food all we had to do was add water and we were able to become a culinary artist overnight. Processed food made everyman/woman capable of making a meal with much less effort. But this processing of the food destroyed the quality of the food. This decrease in the food’s quality occurred by infusing the food with chemicals and other ingredients detrimental to our health. High Fructose Corn Syrup and Trans fats were just a couple of the culprits that corrupted our food. This processing brought about the need for mega agriculture. Agricultural science brought about pesticides, chemicals and genetic engineering.
We now flood our body with excess calories inundated with fat. This large intake of fat has caused the body to change something that is genuinely good for us into something that is bad, very bad. This excess of calories caused by too much fat being in our diet has created a new fat, Toxic FAT. Toxic Fat is defined as fat that can cause disease and death. Since Toxic FAT is fairly new to the history of the body, the body has not evolved to a place to eliminate it. Since the body doesn’t know what to do with this infiltration of Toxic FAT, it stores it as its genetics tells it to do with fat. Fat has always been stored when in excess to help the body survive during famine. Since there is so much fat, the body has to place this Toxic FAT into special fat vaults located in our chests, abdomens, hips, buttocks and thighs.
The funny thing about all this, the catch 22, is that as we gain more weight the body needs more fuel. Once we start down this path of excess weight to obesity it becomes a slippery slope. The body starts sending signals for more food and we oblige. We just keep getting fatter and fatter. And to top that off, we are aging and as we age, we lose our hormones, the regulators of our metabolism. Our metabolism slows and our body stores more and more BAD FAT. Have you ever noticed that when you go on a diet that you actually start gaining weight even though you have reduced your calories by 25%, 35%, even 50%? This happens around the end of the second week. Why? Your metabolism changes to accommodate the reduced calories. Everything slows down. We must increase the metabolism, while decreasing the caloric intake to get the best results.
If there is one action that is a must, so that we may feel fabulous, look incredible and live an active, high quality, youthful life, without disease, until we’re 100 years old and beyond, it is the elimination of excess weight. The number one cause of death, all degenerative diseases, and chronic inflammation is excess weight.
There are two types of inflammation, acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is a necessity; it saves lives on a daily basis. But chronic inflammation is the cause of most deaths, the cause of most illnesses, and drastically lowers the quality of our lives. Everything I write about will be how to eliminate inflammation; therefore, returning us to our predetermined amount of time for a high quality life. That means to look great, feel great and have a life filled with great sex. That’s right; I don’t buy Plato’s comment that we reach true wisdom when sex is no longer a part of our lives. I believe that sex is the most enjoyable physical activity given to us. We should be enjoying it for as long as we live!
The Goal of “The Mac Diet”
A BMI of 20-22
or better yet a height to waist ratio of 48% for men and 45% for women.
If your BMI is between 20 and 22:
Your body mass index is ideal and you have a healthy amount of body fat. This range is associated with living the longest with the lowest incidence of serious illness.
If your BMI is between 22 and 25:
Your body mass index is still within an acceptable range and your health is satisfactory.
If your BMI is between 25 and 30:
Between these values you are considered overweight and it would be beneficial to your health if you attempted to lose weight by dieting and exercising.
If your BMI is over 30:
Your body is obese and in an unhealthy condition and you are putting yourself at risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gall bladder disease and some cancers. You should lose weight by changing your diet and exercising more.
Another measurement shown to be more valuable is our waist size in comparison to our height. Here are two tables for men and women and the ideal waist size for each.
Male waist sizes for heights 48% ratio
58” tall 28” waist | 66” tall 32” waist | 74” tall 36” waist |
59” tall 28” waist | 67” tall 32” waist | 75” tall 36” waist |
60” tall 29” waist | 68” tall 33” waist | 76” tall 36” waist |
61” tall 29” waist | 69” tall 33” waist | 77” tall 37” waist |
62” tall 30” waist | 70” tall 34” waist | 78” tall 37” waist |
63” tall 30” waist | 71” tall 34” waist | 79” tall 38” waist |
64” tall 31” waist | 72” tall 35” waist | 80” tall 38” waist |
65” tall 31” waist | 73” tall 35” waist | 81” tall 39” waist |
Female waist sizes for heights 45% ratio
58” tall 26” waist | 66” tall 30” waist | 74” tall 33” waist |
59” tall 26” waist | 67” tall 30” waist | 75” tall 34” waist |
60” tall 27” waist | 68” tall 31” waist | 76” tall 34” waist |
61” tall 27” waist | 69” tall 31” waist | 77” tall 35” waist |
62” tall 28” waist | 70” tall 32” waist | 78” tall 35” waist |
63” tall 28” waist | 71” tall 32” waist | 79” tall 36” waist |
64” tall 29” waist | 72” tall 32” waist | 80” tall 36” waist |
65” tall 29” waist | 73” tall 33” waist | 81” tall 36” waist |
We now know that your goal for your BMI is 22
What is your goal for your waist measurement?
The Purpose
Now we must answer the question, why? Why do we want these two measurements for our goals? First we will have a lot less inflammation. Second we will live longer and with a higher quality of life and have less or even no disease. Third, we will look younger which means we will look great! I can go on here, like cure our diabetes, our allergies, our metabolic syndromes, our gall bladder problems, our cardiovascular diseases, avoid strokes, avoid cancer, etc., etc., etc.
Strategy #1
We must unlock the Toxic Fat from our fat vaults
The first part of “The Mac Diet” is to get our Toxic Fat on the move. Let’s review the two types of fat; essential fat and Toxic fat. Essential fat makes our cell membranes healthy, supports our internal organs, and insulates us from external stresses. Essential fat is anti-inflammatory. Toxic fat is pro-inflammatory. Essential fat is free to move around and be utilized wherever it is needed. Toxic fat gets stored in semi-permanent fat vaults. It does nothing but make us look bad, feel bad and take years even decades off of our life.
When we go on a diet, we lose the essential fats first and by the time we reach the Toxic fats we have usually given up on the diet. When we lose our essential fats, we feel and look terrible because we lost the essential fats needed to keep us healthy.
There are two types of essential fats. There is our essential daily fat that we consume on a daily basis. It is similar to our checking account. It is readily available. If we need to buy some gas, buy a coffee, or pay our bills, we have instant access to it. Than, there is that fat that we put a way for a rainy day. This is the fat we use to buy our children school clothes, or for emergencies like repairing our car or to purchase that big screen television. This is our savings account of fat, our reserve account. In summary, there is that fat we need today, our current daily cash flow, and there is that fat we need in reserve for planned and unplanned expenses, our savings account.
Then, there is Toxic fat. Toxic fat is that fat the body stores because we have eaten far too many calories. This kind of fat is locked away so well that it is nearly impossible to eliminate it with just a reduced caloric diet. When we have too much money, what do we do with it? We invest it so it will make more of it. It is like Wall Street. It breeds greed. It is never satisfied.
Remember, I mentioned, we need to get that Toxic fat to move out of their vaults and into the blood stream. But, how do we do that, if it’s stored permanently? It’s locked away. There is a way! Thanks to an innovative doctor name A.T.W. Simeons, MD. He had worked on a project in India with boys that had developed Froehlich's Disease. They were so-called “fat boys” with long, slender hands, breasts, large hips, buttocks and thighs with striation, knock-knees and underdeveloped genitals, often with undescended testicles. They discovered that when these boys were given injections utilizing pregnant women’s urine, the testes would drop and the fat would move off their chests and hips giving them a more manly physique. Their fat moved! They didn’t lose any weight, but they ended up looking like a normal man. The fat that was moving was their Toxic Fat.
There was something in pregnant women’s urine that unlocked the Toxic Fat. That something is called Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin. hCG, as it is called, is a hormone produced in pregnancy that is made by the embryo and placenta. Early pregnancy testing, in general, is based on the detection or measurement of hCG. Therefore, if I was in college again, I could pay for my drinks by betting fellow students that I was pregnant and could prove it with a simple pregnancy test. What a poor college student will do for a drink? I know a guy that ate a salmon egg sandwich for a pack of cigarettes. As I watched him vomit, I wasn’t quite sure what was worse for him.
So, Dr. Simeons realized that Toxic Fat could be mobilized by utilizing hCG on these “Fat Boys” with Froehlich’s Disease. He thought; what if, while this Toxic Fat was being mobilized, we utilized this fat as our daily fuel? He found that if he gave his obese patients small daily doses of hCG they could comfortably exist on a daily diet of 500 Calories and lose an average of about one pound per day. It was also perfectly evident that only the Toxic Fat was being consumed, as there were no signs of any depletion of normal fat. He also found that the administration of hCG to his obese patients did not have any side-effects other than beneficial.
Dr. Simeons had found that during pregnancy fixed fat deposits can be mobilized. During pregnancy, every ounce of fat is placed at the disposal of the growing fetus. It must be noted that Dr. Simeons found that hCG has no affect whatsoever on normally developed and normally functioning sex-glands. No amount of hCG is ever able to increase a normal sex function; it can only improve an abnormal one.
Dr. Simeons also found that “hCG regulates menstruation and facilitates conception, but it never virilizes a woman or feminizes a man. It neither makes men grow breasts nor does it interfere with their virility, though where this was deficient it may improve it. It never makes women grow a beard or develop a gruff voice.”
Pregnant women can produce one million units of hCG per day. We have found that the injection of 150 to 250 units per day is an ample enough dose to reduce weight at the rate of roughly one pound per day. Dr. Simeons found that in the 1960’s 125 units was sufficient, but with today’s toxic diet and the unbelievable increase in the amount of calories we eat, a larger dose is necessary. I have found we may need to escalate the dose from 150 units to 250 units over a six week period. This seems to work far better in treating the modern overweight adult. We will usually start our patients on a dose of 150 units and if they continue to lose weight consistently for the entire six week program we will not need to increase the dose. In other cases, we have found that the patient develops immunity to the hCG. In these cases, the patient’s fat will only move from their locked stores if we increase the dose.
The Mac Diet & Diabetes
I have personally found that it is often possible to stop all diabetic medication after the first few days of treatment. The blood sugar continues to drop from day to day and often reaches normal values within 2-3 weeks. If you are diabetic, be prepared to taper your medication until you no longer need it. I have found that you will lose weight at a faster rate if you are off of your medications. Remember only your personal physician can reduce or eliminate any medication.
The Mac Diet & Joint Pain
Joint Pain improves dramatically within a few days of treatment. This is a well known phenomenon in pregnancy, and while under treatment with The Mac Diet the effect is just as dramatic. I personally have discovered that those nagging aches and pains from my athletic days are barely noticeable.
hCG & Cholesterol
When an obese patient with high cholesterol is on The Mac Diet, his or her blood pressure usually drops and his or her coronary circulation appears to improve dramatically, and yet his total blood cholesterol may soar to heights never before reached. Dr. Simeons believed that the rise is entirely due to the liberation of cholesterol deposits within the arteries and is therefore highly beneficial.
The Mac Diet & Gout
We have found that patients with gout have the same reaction as patients with high cholesterol. The blood uric acid level of the patients will increase. Patients occasionally will have an acute attack of gout during the first few days of hCG treatment. Those patients who have regained their normal weight usually remain free of symptoms regardless of what they eat. But we have found the cycle may start again when a second or third round of The Mac Diet is started.
The Mac Diet & Blood Pressure
We have found that for some fortunate reason patients with high blood pressure normalize while on The Mac Diet. If you have low blood pressure to begin with, your blood pressure must be scrutinized while on the diet, and it would make totally good sense to normalize the blood pressure prior to beginning The Mac Diet. We have had great success with increasing Blood Pressure utilizing Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. It would be a great idea to have your hormones tested and in most cases you will find a hormone deficiency or imbalance involved with low blood pressure.
hCG & Menstruation
During menstruation no injections are given, but the diet is continued. As soon as the menstruation is over, you will need to resume injections immediately or will become extremely hungry. If you are menstruating, the best time to start The Mac Diet is immediately after a period. It is best to have at least ten days in hand before the onset of the next period. Similarly, the end of a course should never be made to coincide with onset of menstruation. If things should happen to work out that way, it is better to give the last injection three days before the expected date of the menses so that a normal diet can he resumed at onset.
Thyroid & The Mac Diet
It has been our experience that those patients who have been taking thyroid preparations for long periods have a slightly lower average loss of weight under treatment with hCG. It is best to suspend thyroid supplementation during treatment. We have found that if you have a low metabolism prior to your participation in “The Mac Diet” it will become normal after a week or two. Remember only your personal physician can reduce or eliminate any medication.
Policy #1
We must inject ourselves with hCG on a daily basis to get our Toxic Fat to move from their locked positions and into our blood stream.
If you need to lose more than 12 pounds, The Mac Diet will be 42 days long. You will be injecting 150 to 250 units subcutaneously into your abdominal fat for 39 of those days. Patients who need to lose less than 12 pounds require only being on the Mac Diet for 26 days with 23 injections. We never give a treatment lasting less than 26 days, even in patients needing to lose only 5 pounds. The extra three days are needed because all patients must continue the 500-calorie diet for three days after the last injection. If you do not stay on the 500 calorie diet for three days after the last injection you will gain weight like crazy. The hCG must be out of your system before you begin eating a normal diet.
The maximum amount of hCG injections allowed in one program are 39, and the maximum amount of weight that is allowed in one 42 day program is 34 pounds. Treatment should stop once 34 pounds has been lost or 39 injections have been given. The reason for limiting a course to 39 injections is that you will become immune to hCG. After 39 daily injections it takes about six weeks before this so called immunity is lost and HCG may again becomes fully effective. If you only need 23 injections, you should inject hCG daily, for this amount of time rarely causes immunity to the hormone. In those that take 39 injections you can delay immunity by not injecting yourself on Sundays, or one day a week as long it is always the same day each week.
Strategy #2
We must consume the Toxic Fat,
once it has been released into our blood stream
During Pregnancy, the embryo and placenta produces hCG so that there is ample food for the growing fetus. During evolvement of the human species, there wasn’t always a daily food supply. The body needed to keep fat in the blood to provide the fetus with an ample supply of nutrients.
Once we have this Toxic Fat flushed out of its locked storage areas, we must consume it. There is only one way to consume it and that is to reduce our caloric intake, imitating a famine, so the body will devour the Toxic Fat in the blood. The hormone hCG will release up to 2500 calories of fat a day from our Toxic Fat storage areas. If we eat a reduced caloric diet, which by the way is the number one and I mean number one way to live to be 120 years old, than the body will eat the fat for its nutrition. To consume this Toxic Fat we must eat only 500 calories a day! You heard me right. We must only eat 500 calories a day. The hCG, by releasing the Toxic Fat into our blood stream, will curb our appetite since there is so much food easily and readily available to us. The hunger hormone, ghrelin, is floating around in your blood with this Toxic Fat and it appears that the Toxic Fat or the hCG neutralizes ghrelin because you will definitely not be hungry. Or, all this fat and/or hCG will turn on another hormone called PYY that will tell your body that is full. This is all conjecture, but it doesn’t take a genius to understand that someone on hCG is not hungry when The Mac Diet is used correctly. With all this fat in our blood, I believe the two hormones associated with hunger are regulated and that is why you will not be hungry.
So, you might be thinking that there is no way you can eat just 500 calories. You’re probably thinking, I’ll eat a 1000 or 750 calories instead. Well I thought the same thing. The diet won’t work. There is just too much fat floating around in your blood that if you eat more than 500 calories you will not lose any weight and in fact I found that I gained weight. I also discovered that when I cheat for just one day, I don’t lose weight for 3 to 5 days after that fateful day. You cannot eat more than 500 calories a day for this diet to work.
.5 to 1 pound per day should be lost
If you stay with the dosage and the 500 calories per day, you will lose between one half to one pound a day. If you are not losing one half to one pound a day, you are most likely injecting an incorrect dose of hCG or you are consuming an incorrect amount of calories. It doesn’t matter your age, sex or how overweight you are, you should be losing between one half and one pound a day!
Vitamins are not necessary while on this diet. In fact we have seen some vitamins react with the hCG, particular with Niacin. The Toxic Fat has more than enough nutrients to keep us from being nutrient deficient. There are cases where vitamins will be utilized, but only if deficiency is noted before the start of The Mac Diet due to malabsorption. In these cases it will be important to receive Neutriceuticals intravenously. The body cannot absorb nutrients sometimes when introduced orally and in concentrated forms. In these cases, we offer a program of Neutriceuticals IV’s compounded specifically for the deficient patient.
You must be careful when exercising on The Mac Diet. I exercise regularly while utilzing hCG. I have found that in the beginning the diet I suffered from muscular fatigue, it is not a weakness. I recommend that if you exercise regularly prior to The Mac Diet, continue to do so but realize you may be fatigued easily during the first week. If you did not exercise prior to The Mac Diet It would be a great idea to start now but begin with a walking program. Walk for fifteen minutes for the first two weeks three times a week. Walk 30 minutes for the next two weeks three times a week. Walk 45 minutes for the last two weeks three times a week. After you have completed the program we will place you on an exercise program to shape your new thinner body.
Policy #2
You must eat only 500 calories a day
By eating only 500 calories a day the Toxic Fat floating within your blood stream, will become our main source of nutrition. You will find, while injecting hCG, two meals of 250 Calories will completely satiate you. The hCG will continually give you a feeling that you had just ate a large meal. We must do this for 42 Days. We begin eating the reduced caloric diet on the fourth day of injections. The first three days of injections we eat anything we want. In fact it is important that you eat ravenously during these three days. By eating large amounts during these days, you will be creating a siphon for the Toxic Fats. Don’t be surprised if you lose weight during these days. This is usually caused by loss of retained water.
We will also continue to eat 500 calories a day for three days after we have stopped the injections, than you can return to a normal healthy diet. Remember, you must allow time for all the hCG to be eliminated from your body. If you eat a large meal with hCG in your body, you will gain weight rapidly.
I believe that the best day to start the injections are the day before the weekend or your work weekend and then begin your diet on that following Monday or first day of work.
Calendar for injections and reduced caloric intake
I-Injection day
-500-500 calories day
Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
I | I | I | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 |
I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 |
I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 |
I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 |
I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 |
I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | I-500 | -500 | -500 | -500 |
What happens if I reach my goal and I have not yet completed the program?
As soon as you have lost all your Toxic Fat, you will begin to feel ravenously hungry even with the continued use of hCG. This is because hCG primarily releases Toxic Fat into circulation and rarely liberates normal fat deposits. As soon as you have reached your goals, you should consume 800-1000 calories for the rest of the time period. At that time the maintenance program will be given to you. The Maintenance program is a healthy alternative to your old ways to eating that will keep your weight off and this will be given to you prior to your ending The Mac Diet. It will consist of foods that do not cause inflammation. The Mac Diet becomes completely ineffective as soon as all Toxic Fat has been consumed by your body.
Green and/or Yerba Mate tea (I personally enjoy a combination of the two) in any quantity without sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Stevia or xylitol or a combination of the two may be used.
Coffee is pro-inflammatory and is unacceptable but if you find that you cannot go without coffee drink only organic and limit yourself to one cup (8 oz) a day.
One serving of meat consisting of approximately 160 Calories per serving chose from this group only:
Lean Organic Beef | 3 oz | 180 calories per serving |
Calf’s Liver | 3 oz | 140 calories per serving |
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast | 3 oz | 167 calories per serving |
Lamb | 3 oz | 172 calories per serving |
Turkey Breast | 3 oz | 161 calories per serving |
Venison Cod Crab, Alaskan King Crab, Dungess Oysters Halibut Scallops Shrimp Tuna Protein Powder | 3 oz 4 oz 5 oz 5 oz 12 4 oz 4 oz 4 oz 4 oz 1 ½ scoops | 134 calories per serving 119 calories per serving 137 calories per serving 156 calories per serving 120 calories per serving 158 calories per serving 152 calories per serving 112 calories per serving 157 calories per serving 150 calories per serving |
One serving of vegetables served mixed or solo adding up to 50 calories, chose vegetables from this group only:
Calories shown per cup except for garlic which is per ounce
Asparagus 43C Bell Pepper 25C Broccoli 44C Brussels Sprouts 61C Cabbage 33C Carrots 52C Cauliflower 29C Celery 19C Collard Greens 49C Cucumber 14C Eggplant 28C Fennel 27C Garlic 42O | Green Beans 44C Leeks 32C Mushrooms, crimini 48C Mustard Greens 21C Onions 61C Romaine Lettuce 16C Sea Vegetables 35C Spinach 41C Squash, Summer 36C Swiss Chard 35C Tomatoes 38C Turnip Greens 29C |
One serving of fruit consisting of approximately 40 Calories chose from this group only:
Apple 1/2 40 cal per serving Apricot 2 34 Blueberries ½ Cup 40 Cantaloupe 3/4 Cup 40 Cranberries 3/4 Cup 35 Grapefruit 1/2 37 Grapes 2/3 Cup 40 Kiwi 1 46 | Lemon/Lime Juice 1oz 7 cal per serving Orange 1/2 31 Cherries 1/2 37 Pineapple ½ cup 38 Plum 1 36 Strawberries 1cup 43 Watermelon 3/4cup 36 |
Dinner same as lunch
This is the exact diet no matter your age, weight, sex, etc. for everyone on The Mac Diet!
Free range organic eggs are allowed once a week. This would be four eggs with only one yolk and never overcooked or cooked in oil.
Non fat organic cottage cheese may occasionally be used instead of the meat, but no other cheeses are allowed.
The juice of one lemon or lime daily is allowed for all purposes. Salt, pepper, basil, coriander/cilantro, cinnamon, cumin, dill, garlic, oregano, marjoram, parsley, peppermint, rosemary, sage, thyme, turmeric, vinegar, mustard, etc., may be used for seasoning all in small quantities, but no cooking oils of any type, butter or salad dressings.
Tea, limited organic coffee, plain water, or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times.
Protein Drinks may be utilized. It is best to use a denatured whey protein. If dairy is not part of your diet, use any protein that you find in accordance with your diet.
In fact, the patient should drink about 2 liters of these fluids per day. You may are afraid to drink so much because of the fear that this may make you retain water. This is a wrong notion as the body is more inclined to store water when the intake falls below its normal requirements.
The fruit may be eaten between meals instead of with lunch or dinner, but not more than three items listed for lunch and dinner may be eaten at one meal.
There is no objection to breaking up the two meals, for instance having a fruit serving for breakfast or before going to bed, provided they are deducted from the regular meals. The whole daily ration of two fruits may not be eaten at the same time, nor can any item saved from the previous day be added on the following day.
“The Mac Diet” used in conjunction with hCG must not exceed 500 calories per day. You are not allowed to let’s say drop the ½ apple and eat an extra breadstick. If you do this, you will not be getting more calories but you will not lose weight. There are a number of foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, which have the same or even lower caloric values than those listed above, and yet we find that they interfere with the regular loss of weight under HCG, presumably owing to the nature of their composition.
Further Courses
If you need to lose more than 34 pounds, you will need more than one course. You can start your second course after you have waited at least six weeks. When a third, fourth or even fifth course is necessary, the interval between courses should be made progressively longer.
Dr. Mac
Dr. David B. McDaniels
(800) 788-7454
Dr. Mac
Dr. David B. McDaniels
(800) 788-7454
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