Friday, February 19, 2010

I barely cheated but I haven't lost any weight in three days!

I hear this all the time. It is believed that one of the functions of hCG is to move fat into the blood to feed the fetus. There has to be two conditions. One condition, is you have to have elevated levels of hCG. The other is that the body must be put into a state of famine, it must be starved. hCG utilizes the stored fats from the mother if a famine exists to feed the fetus. In our case we are the fetus, we are going to feed off the stored fat. If you eat fruits and vegetables with lean proteins three times a day, and eat less than 750 calories, the body will stay in starvation mode and the hCG will mobilize the fat. If you eat or apply anything to your body that makes the body believe that you are not starving, than this function of hCG is neutralized. Remember there are many functions to hCG this is just one of them. Foods that will neutralize the hCG include, fats, sugars, and especially starches. Starches include breads, pastas, potatoes, rice, etc. Fats that I have seen neutralize the hCG come from cheeses, really all dairy, which are filled with sugars too, nuts, they are a great food source but not while on this diet, and legumes, beans another great food source but not during this diet. We will bring back all these great sources of nutrition once we are on the maintenance diet. The bad news is when you eat starches and fats you will not lose weight, even gain weight for two to three days. The good news is that on the fourth day you will usually lose two to four pounds. So, no starches, no fats, no sugars. You probably noticed that I didn't talk too much about sugars and alcohol. I'll talk about them in a future blog. Good luck on your diet and go lose two pounds today while you feel great. Oh yeah, I received a phone call yesterday from a client who had finished the diet and he had his physical and his PCP took him off of all his high blood pressure medicine. He was stoked to say the least.
Dr. Mac

Monday, February 8, 2010

How to cook an egg,

I received a question today about boiling eggs and weight loss. That was a great question. We rarely remember to talk or write about boiling eggs, especially in the States. In Europe, they eat boiled eggs nearly every morning.

Boiling eggs are a great way to cook eggs. The secret is not to overcook them at a high heat for research has shown that overcooking, be it by temperature or length, brings out indigestion and carcinogenic factors, carcinogens are especially seen in overcooked starches. The general consensus is to cook at a temperature of around 100 degrees. The higher temperatures cause the food to be difficult to digest and the nutrients become difficult to extract. This can cause digestive problems and subtle deficiencies in important nutrients. As for weight loss, boiled eggs are important in any weight loss program especially those that include lean proteins. Hard boiling eggs makes it easy to discard the yolk and decrease the fat intake. I especially find that boiling eggs that are a bit older make for a better boiled egg. Europeans have perfected the art of the boiled egg. When in Europe, I have never seen an egg over boiled. The white is much softer than we see in the States. My answer is not to create hardboiled eggs, but a soft boiled eggs. Place the egg in a boiled egg holder, crack the top of the egg with a spoon and spoon out the egg. If you have a hard time with raw eggs try it the European way. A little pepper with fresh lemon is just a delight. This the order an egg should be cooked. Raw--soft boiled--hard boiled--over easy--over hard--scrambled.

Dr. Mac

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Breakfast and some more Egg Facts

How often should you eat eggs and how should you cook them

Don't be afraid to eat eggs. You can easily eat one dozen eggs per week, as they will not cause your cholesterol to increase. Scientists have shown that infants who eat the adult equivalent of 40 eggs per week don't have problems.
If you are cooking your eggs, avoid eating eggs daily.  You should not eat eggs more than five days a week if you prepare them conventionally. You can tolerate eggs on a much more frequent basis if you consume them raw.
I recommend mixing one whole egg with the equivalent of three egg whites.  I personally use organically fed free range chicken egg whites that we get from Trader Joes.  Vicky will add vegetables with this mixture that includes spinach, onions, tomatoes and mushrooms.  She makes to coo these in a carefully not overcooked omelet.
It has been proven that you can eat two dozen eggs a week without increasing your cholesterol as long as you do not overcook your eggs. Oxidized cholesterol contributes to the hardening of our hardening of your arteries, which increases your risk of heart disease. High heat will promote oxidization of cholesterol. Scrambled eggs or omelets are the least healthy way to prepare eggs so don’t overcook the eggs.
Surprisingly, the best way to prepare eggs is to not cook them at all. Simply eat the egg yolk and all-RAW.  Use a half a scoop of undenatured whey with a full egg in your morning protein smoothie. You won’t even notice the egg.

If you’re worried about salmonella from raw eggs, this is more of a concern from commercially raised eggs.  Organic Free Range eggs are shown to have much lower salmonella levels with just 4.4 percent in organic flocks and 6.5 percent in free-range flocks, compared to more than 23 percent of farms with caged hens. So your chances of contracting salmonella when using organic eggs are fairly slim. (Mother Earth News)

Dr. Mac

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Breakfast #3 Organic vs Nonorganic eggs

Why eat organic free range eggs?

Did you know that organic free range eggs have a 1:1 omega 6 to omega 3 ratio, while commercial eggs contain a 19:1 omega 6 to omega 3 ratio? Did you know that ancient men and women had a 1 to 1 ratio within their cell membranes? Do you know what modern men and women?s Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio is? This is a direct quote from an The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health.

?Several sources of information suggest that human beings evolved on a diet with a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA) of approximately 1 whereas in Western diets the ratio is 15/1-16.7/1. Western diets are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and have excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids compared with the diet on which human beings evolved and their genetic patterns were established.?

Is there a correlation here? I have a lot more to say on eggs, but common sense tells me. SPEND THE EXTRA MONEY FOR ORGANIC FREE RANGE EGGS!

Breakfast #2 Denatured vs Undenatured Whey

Undenatured whey is likened to raw milk, whereas denatured whey is likened to pasturized milk. Undenatured regulates health related challenges brought about by a toxic environment, a poor diet, too much stress and the natural aging process.Undenatured whey protein provides your body with the building blocks necessary for each cell to produce Glutathione. Glutathione is the mother of all anti-oxidants. Glutathione is the only anti-oxidant that is found within the cell. Denatured whey does not make glutathione.
There are two major protein groups in cow's milk, whey and casein. About 80% of the total protein in cow's milk is casien, while whey accounts for the remaining 20%. Whey is a natural byproduct of the cheese-making process. Whey Protein makes muscle.  Muscle burns fat.  At the time of purchase, most commercial whey protein has begun to oxidize or may have been completely oxidized. In either case, it is considered to be "denatured". Denatured whey protein simply does not offer the same biological benefits as "undenatured" whey protein; just as cooked food does not offer the same biological benefits as raw food. Denatured whey protein is handled and prepared with a different set of manufacturing processes than undenatured whey protein. It is best to find undenatured whey in individually vacuumed packs to protect its natural highly beneficial properties that include:
1) Contains less than 1% fat and lactose

2) Contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)

3) Contains cystiene (a vital cell nutrient), glutamic acid and glycine

4) Provides the building blocks for the body to make glutathione (GSH) levels

5) Recycles other antioxidants like Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C and Vitamin E

6) Provides Anti-oxidant Assistance, Eliminates Toxins, Improves the Immune System, Anti-Aging Benefits
Undenatured whey protein should be manufactured under pharmaceutical-grade conditions and should be individually packaged. Use a hand mixer instead of a blender. DO NOT MIX THE PRODUCT IN HOT LIQUID OR USE A KITCHEN BLENDER. EXCESSIVE HEAT OR AGITATION MAY DENATURE THE PRODUCT.
Dr. Mac
Thanks to Douglas Moore and Tawne Bachus

Breakfast #1

What should I eat for Breakfast?

Unlike the other HCG diets out there, The Mac HCG Diet allows you to eat Breakfast.  We believe breakfast is an important part of any diet. Research indicates that people who are on a diet and eat a breakfast have nearly a 500% chance of not gaining weight after they have completed the diet compared to someone on a diet that skips breakfast. 

I find that a protein shake is a good way to start off the morning.  Place a cup of filtered water in a blender.  Add a cup of frozen organic berries, blueberries, strawberries, or mixed berries, etc (Trader Joes), add ice and blend.  Then add the undenatured whey on top.  Now, hit the blender on very low.  Allow the protein to circulate but don't murder it.  This makes for a great quick frozen breakfast.  When it is frozen, a spoon is usually necessary and that helps make it feel like a meal instead of a drink.  My daughters love them. They taste just like a real shake.  

When you are on the maintenance program, you may utilize other fruits.  One of our favorites is a chocolate banana protein shake.  We use organic bananas and I use one per person.  Usually the organic banana is much smaller than a non-organic banana.  If you are using non-organic banana use a half of a banana for each serving.  

There is no need to add dairy or soy or rice or almond mild to the shakes.  If you are doing injections of HCG do not and I said do not use any of these milks.

I intend on living forever or die trying!  How about you?  Remember, you only live as long as your waist is small!  Strive for a waist to height ratio of 45% for women and 48% for men.

Love you all, Dr. Mac