Friday, December 24, 2010

New Year's Resolution 2011: The Mac Diet

The Mac Diet 2011

As another year comes to a close and a New Year approaches, many of us are once again vowing to lose unwanted pounds. But with obesity increasing at alarming levels, the Macs are urging a combination of short and long term approaches to help fight our ever increasing waist lines.

Over the past three decades, obesity rates in the U.S. alone have soared among all age groups, particularly among youth where the rate has more than tripled, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While many weight loss efforts fail, the Macs encourage an adoption of small lifestyle changes that will prevent future weight gain.

"Instant results combined with small changes can produce big results," says Dr. Mac, co-owner of The Mac Institute.  "Optimizing Hormones, Eating a Whole Food Low Glycemic Diet, Optimizing Liver Function, Increasing Strength and Flexibility and Utilizing a Health Coach” can take weight off rapidly to satisfy our desire for instant gratification, and then with the help of a health coach--keep it off. In our next poset we will talk of the different methods we can use to optimize hormones.

The Macs

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Day in the Life #2

Blood Sugar or Don’t Let Insulin Spike

This is the second of a series that follows what I do on a daily basis.  Before I blog, Vicky and I would like to thank everyone that has supported us in our new permanent location in Modesto.  Our first week was absolutely amazing!

So, you have already learned how to lose twelve pounds the easy way, weigh yourself daily! 

After, I have weighed and recorded my weight; I check my blood sugar levels.  I cannot stress enough on how important it is to record your blood sugar levels when you are on any anti-aging program. In my case, I have or had 15 aunts and uncles who have or had diabetes.  Nearly every family member that has passed away, has passed due to complications of diabetes.

Through "The Mac Diet," I have been able to reduce my sugar from the 300s to a 30 day average of less than 100. I am now having days in the 80s.  The most important thing: I was able to quit all three of my medications.

We all know why diabetics should check their blood sugar levels, but I find it important that all of us should check fasting levels. Diabetics should on a daily basis.  Non diabetics may check theirs on a once a week basis but no less than that.

Why?  Blood sugar is an indication of insulin levels.  If blood sugar is down, insulin is up. If blood sugar is up insulin may be down but in many cases it's not that insulin is down it is because our cells have become resistant to insulin.  Insulin is like a key that opens the doors to our cells so that sugar may enter.  When we eat the wrong foods and become overweight the cells' locks become distorted and the key doesn't fit.  The sugar is then unable to enter our cells.  This causes the sugar to accumulate in your blood.  Sugar then coats all of our cells, tissues and organs. The more sugar coated our tissues become the less quality of life we have and the less life we have.

We have found that there are two hormones that are always challenging us during our weight loss programs, cortisol and insulin.  Both of these hormones are fat hoarders.  In reality, they turn off the fat burning hormones.  To keep insulin in check while you are on The Mac Diet, we only allow foods that are low on the glycemic index.  It is always amazing to watch blood sugar levels normalize while on The Mac Diet.

Insulin levels are a very important bio-marker within the anti aging field.  One way to keep tabs on your insulin is to check your blood sugar on a regular basis. Normal blood sugar levels indicate normal insulin levels. By checking our blood sugar levels regularly, we will know if our diet is good or bad for us. We want to keep our fasting blood sugar levels as close to 80 as possible and postprandial (1-2 hours after a meal) blood sugar levels should not exceed 160.  Blood sugar levels at bedtime should not exceed 120.  I have found when our blood sugar remain at these levels we will be healthy, be happy and look terrific.

The Macs

Monday, September 27, 2010

The day in the life a of a weight loss guru

After a great night of sleep, I wake and open my eyes. I roll over and cuddle with my beautiful wife. This is the most pleasurable moment of the day. I then thank God that someone loves me and that I love someone.

After ten minutes or so of just holding her in the soft morning light, I slowly move to the side of the bed. (Even if you're not an old fart like me, always get out of bed correctly.) Turn onto your side, get into the fetus position, let your legs fall off the side of the bed and at the same time use your elbow to raise your trunk while gravity assists in placing you into a sitting position.

I look around and allow my eyes to adjust to the morning glow. I stand and thank God that I can. I bend forward and holding my elbows let my back and legs stretch. This is a relaxed stretch. I then meander to the restroom. I urinate.

I now weigh. I weigh everyday. I use an Ironman scale from Tanita that I purchased at

You should weigh everyday. A study done at tIn 2005 by researchers at the University of Minnesota found that people who weighed daily lost an average of 12 pounds over the term of the study, 2 years. Those that weighed weekly lost an average of 6 pounds. And those that did not gained 4 pounds.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Did you go to Church today?

If you did, you can expect to live longer,

And it's almost as beneficial as exercise!

A study using data from the Women's Health Initiative found that women aged 50 and up were 20% less likely to die in any given year if they attended religious services weekly (15% reduction if they attended less than weekly) compared to those that never attend religious services. This analysis was controlled for age, ethnicity, income level and (most importantly) current health status. The data was collected through surveys and an annual review of medical records. What was interesting was that the religion effect applied to overall risk of death, but not to risk of death from heart conditions. There is no explanation for why that might be. The fact that the study controlled for overall health status makes it more possible that attending religious services has a positive impact on health (not just that healthier people go to services more often).
Add 2 to 3 Years with Religion

Another study also found benefit to attending religion services, this time expressed in added years of life. Researchers have found that weekly attendance at religious services is associated with 2 to 3 additional years of life. These findings were controlled for other factors such as amount of physical exercise and taking cholesterol medications.

How Good Are 2 to 3 Additional Years?

Pretty good. Exercise will increase life expectancy by 3 to 5 years.

The Macs

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Will Calorie Restriction Work at My Age?

Research presented at the British Society for Research on Aging conference, held July 15-16 in Newcastle, England reveals that calorie restriction, even started later in life, reduces age related cellular deterioration: a major cause of aging.

Researchers at Newcastle University fed adult mice a calorie restricted diet and found a decrease of age related cellular deterioration. They also found that the animals' telomeres, which are protective caps on the ends of the chromosomes that prevent DNA mutation were better maintained, also oxidative stress caused by free radicals was reduced.

"Many people will have heard of the theory that eating a very low calorie diet can help to extend life span and there is a lot of evidence that this is true," lead researcher Chunfang Wang commented. "It's particularly exciting that our experiments found this effect when food restriction was applied in later life," added Professor Thomas von Zglinicki, who contributed to the work.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why Restrict Calories?

Calorie Restriction

Since the 1930s extensive scientific research has shown that calorie restricted diets improve health and increases life spans. Nearly every species tested, including worms, spiders, rodents, dogs, cows and monkeys have documented increased life spans and improved health with calorie restricted diets. The Mac Diet embraces not only a calorie restricted diet but a calorie restricted diet utilizing a whole food, plant based, lean protein, low glycemic, anti-inflammatory, high fiber diet; the perfect diet.

Calorie restriction is more efficient than a regular weight loss program because weight loss diets are aimed at shedding excess pounds, either for aesthetic or health reasons. By contrast, the goal of The Mac Anti-aging Diet is extending our lifespan and improving health. Weight loss is a side effect. In fact, calorie restriction's anti-aging effects manifest themselves even in organisms with a 'healthy' weight.
One thing you'll find out quite early on in your journey into The Mac Diet's caloric restriction is that you'll have to stop eating the great American diet of sugar, salt, fat and processed foods. If you were eating an unhealthy diet before caloric restriction, you'll probably notice the benefits of healthy eating within a few weeks. Your palate will become more sensitive to subtle tastes, you'll sleep better, feel more alert, and mood swings will be diminished. You will feel a dramatic positive influence from the The Mac's Diet calorie restricted diet that will keep you motivated to stay on track, and begin to lead a healthy lifestyle.
You do not need to be on The Mac Diet to start caloric restriction. Start reducing calories today and live longer and better immediately. We will address how calorie restriction increases lifespan on the next blog.

Dr. Mac

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vitamin D Testing & Pharmaceutical Grade D3

Vitamin D

Have you heard the latest buzz in the medical community? Vitamin D lowers cancer risk and prevents a multitude of other degenerative diseases.

People can get the vitamin D they need through sunlight exposure. It can also be obtained through the diet, but very few foods naturally contain vitamin D. These foods include fatty fish, fish liver oil, and eggs. Most dietary vitamin D comes from fortified foods, such as milk, juices, yogurt, bread and breakfast cereals. Vitamin D can also be obtained through supplements.

Unfortunately most people do not get adequate vitamin D from these sources and insufficiency is literally an epidemic. New statistics extracted from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) found that more than 90% of the population with pigmented skin, and 75% of the white population, have insufficient levels of vitamin D.

Several studies have demonstrated that adequate levels of vitamin D can decrease the risk and improve survival rates for several types of cancers including breast, rectum, ovary, prostate, stomach, bladder, esophagus, kidney, lung, pancreas, uterus, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.

It is estimated that 85,000 cases of breast cancer and 60,000 cases of colorectal cancer could be prevented in North America alone with sufficient vitamin D levels. A recent study compiled data on breast and colon cancer and vitamin D levels and found that dosages of 3500 IU/day would reduce breast cancer and 2000 IU/day would reduce colon cancer by 50%. The current median adult intake of vitamin D in the US is 230 IU/day.

Other studies relating cancer to vitamin D have shown that people living at higher latitudes are at increased risk for Hodgkin lymphoma as well as colon, pancreatic, prostate, ovarian, breast and other cancers. In addition, people living at higher latitudes are more likely to die from these cancers compared with those living at lower latitudes.

The current recommended daily allowance of vitamin D in the United States is 200IU/day for children and adults up to 50 years of age, 400IU for 51-70 years, and 600 IU for those >70 years old. However, the emerging evidence on the non-skeletal benefits of vitamin D has made these recommendations obsolete. Doses as high as 10,000 IU/day have been shown to be safely tolerated.

People are more likely to not get enough vitamin D than to get too much. Monitoring therapy is important to ensure adequate, but not excessive dosage.

The Mac Protocol and our related clinics throughout Northern California are pleased to offer a vitamin D test at wholesale prices. This inexpensive, quick and easy to use test will enable you to test and monitor vitamin D levels without the inconvenience of venipuncture. Call us today to have your vitamin D levels checked. The total cost for the test is $99. We also provide our patients with compounded pharmaceutical Vitamin D supplementation. This means we call in the order and they make it today and send it to us today at our pharmacy. You will not be able to get a higher quality supplement than that, guaranteed! The cost for 250 tablets at 5000 IUs a tablet is $40.

Dr. & Vicky Mac

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Heavy Metals an Introduction

Visit One of our webistes:

Many of you have attended regular lectures I gave about heavy metal toxicity in 2008. What many of you did not realize is that all my facts came from ATSDR a division of the Centers of Disease. These are government agencies. These are not anti-aging conference maybes. These are founded facts from our government about heavy metals. I will give a brief review of heavy metal toxicity here, but I want you to go to my blog and read cut and pasted excerpts from the ASTDR website. (Blog readers look below)

“The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), based in Atlanta, Georgia, is a federal public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ATSDR serves the public by using the best science, taking responsive public health actions, and providing trusted health information to prevent harmful exposures and diseases related to toxic substances.”

Heavy metal toxicity is an excessive build-up of metals in the body. Oftentimes, the vague symptoms produced by heavy metal toxicity are mistakenly misdiagnosed as incurable chronic conditions. The most common heavy metals that humans are exposed to are aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury.

Heavy metals are found in everyday existence and are frequently hard to avoid entirely. Most people can excrete toxic heavy metals from the body successfully. However, some people—especially those who suffer from chronic conditions—cannot excrete them efficiently enough and a build-up occurs. Recent research also reveals that those who cannot excrete heavy metals efficiently appear to be genetically predisposed to this condition.

When numerous metals are present in the body, they have a “synergistic toxicity.” Dr. Boyd Haley, professor and chair of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky, performed a study on rats and found that the mortality rate of rats exposed to a small dose of mercury or aluminum killed only 1 rat in 100. However, when the rats were exposed to both mercury and aluminum at the same time, all 100 rats died—a 100% mortality rate.

Avoid heavy metal toxicity, first; by having a simple provocation test and finding out what heavy metals have accumulated in your body, second; by getting those metals out of your body through a process called chelation. The Mac Protocol practiced at The Ariba Healthcare Group, Inc. can provide both the provocation test (utilizing a provocation agent like EDTA, DMPS or DMSA along with a 24 hour urine test) and chelation using noninvasive oral and rectal chelators (IV’s are still in the near future). All we can say is that if you have heavy metal toxicity-GET THEM OUT NOW! Call 800-788-7454 and schedule for your provocation test at a 25% discount.

There has been a major debate about mercury in your teeth. Watch this video for entertainment.

The Macs

Here is a list of the worst of the worst directly from the United States Government Agency. Chelation works directly on arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium. Four of the top seven!


The statements below have been cut ans pasted with no editing from ATSDR

How can arsenic affect my health?

Breathing high levels of inorganic arsenic can give you a sore throat or irritated lungs.
Ingesting very high levels of arsenic can result in death. Exposure to lower levels can cause nausea and vomiting, decreased production of red and white blood cells, abnormal heart rhythm, damage to blood vessels, and a sensation of “pins and needles” in hands and feet.
Ingesting or breathing low levels of inorganic arsenic for a long time can cause a darkening of the skin and the appearance of small “corns” or “warts” on the palms, soles, and torso.
Skin contact with inorganic arsenic may cause redness and swelling.
Almost nothing is known regarding health effects of organic arsenic compounds in humans. Studies in animals show that some simple organic arsenic compounds are less toxic than inorganic forms. Ingestion of methyl and dimethyl compounds can cause diarrhea and damage to the kidneys.

How can lead affect my health?

The effects of lead are the same whether it enters the body through breathing or swallowing. Lead can affect almost every organ and system in your body. The main target for lead toxicity is the nervous system, both in adults and children. Long-term exposure of adults can result in decreased performance in some tests that measure functions of the nervous system. It may also cause weakness in fingers, wrists, or ankles. Lead exposure also causes small increases in blood pressure, particularly in middle-aged and older people and can cause anemia. Exposure to high lead levels can severely damage the brain and kidneys in adults or children and ultimately cause death. In pregnant women, high levels of exposure to lead may cause miscarriage. High level exposure in men can damage the organs responsible for sperm production.

How can mercury affect my health?

The nervous system is very sensitive to all forms of mercury. Methylmercury and metallic mercury vapors are more harmful than other forms, because more mercury in these forms reaches the brain. Exposure to high levels of metallic, inorganic, or organic mercury can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, and developing fetus. Effects on brain functioning may result in irritability, shyness, tremors, changes in vision or hearing, and memory problems.
Short-term exposure to high levels of metallic mercury vapors may cause effects including lung damage, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increases in blood pressure or heart rate, skin rashes, and eye irritation.

How can cadmium affect my health?

Breathing high levels of cadmium can severely damage the lungs. Eating food or drinking water with very high levels severely irritates the stomach, leading to vomiting and diarrhea.
Long-term exposure to lower levels of cadmium in air, food, or water leads to a buildup of cadmium in the kidneys and possible kidney disease. Other long-term effects are lung damage and fragile bones.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Agave is worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup

We’ve been duped again!

Agave is worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup

Did you (like us) switch your children to organic raw blue agave nectar to replace the worse food on the market, High Fructose Corn Syrup? It said right on the label “diabetic friendly” “raw” “100% natural sweetener” and we thought, wow, that has to be better for our children than anything else on the market.  With half of our chromosomes being from Mexico, we thought this product had probably been processed by our genes for a thousand years.  At least, that is what the label says about its origins and its relation to the natives of Mexico. But after some research I discovered that “Agave nectar is a newly created sweetener, having been developed during the 1990’s.”

The Big Dirty Secret about Agave

In spite of manufacturers’ claims, agave “nectar” is not made from the sap of the yucca or agave plant but from a giant pineapple-like, root bulb. The process by which agave is converted into “nectar” is similar to the process by which corn starch is converted into HFCS. Refined fructose in agave nectar is much more concentrated than the fructose in HFCS.  In comparison HFCS is 55% fructose, Agave nectar is 70% fructose!

Just Say No to Agave

New sweeteners like agave syrup were introduced into the market to make a profit, not to make consumers healthy. Clever marketing has led many consumers to believe that the high level of fructose in agave syrup makes it a safe and a natural sweetener. Agave syrup is a manmade sweetener. High fructose agave syrup causes mineral depletion, liver inflammation, hardening of the arteries, insulin resistance leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

If you want something sweet, eat a piece of fruit!

I would like to thank research done by Sally Fallon Morell and Rami Nagel for the basis of this blog.  You can read the entire article and research articles at:

Friday, March 26, 2010

The first exercise of each day! Child's Pose

Begin every morning with this simple yoga stretch.  Begin on your knees.  Slowly sit back until you are sitting on your ankles.  Use your weight to stretch the ankles without pain. Slowly bend forward until your forehead touches the floor. Then slide your arms above your head as far as you can without causing pain.  Now be restful.  Pray or say affirmations.  Relax and feel the ankles, knees hips, spine, shoulders stretch. Be Calm. Hold this stretch for as long as you like.  Twenty seconds minimum. If you want to watch a video:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Geneticlly Modified Foods

Today, we are talking about environmental toxins. Whenever we talk about this subject people get upset at us. We attend conferences nearly every month, be it live or by web, and it seems that conservative MD's have no problem talking about the environment and its toxicity. But we live in the Central Valley and this is where most of our toxins are produced. So, when we write about environmental toxins, we are talking about one of our friends careers and they quit being my friend, at least on facebook, lol. Today, we are going to talk about genetically modified food. Our advice is TO DO YOUR BEST TO KNOW WHEN YOU ARE EATING GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD AND TO REDUCE ITS INTAKE. Vicky and I know that we still eat it, but we try to limit it's intake. We are not experts on genetically modified food, so I will let the American Academy of Environmental Physicians talk their talk. Vicky and I are anti-aging practitioners, and we know that everything we read that is related to living a longer and higher quality of life has to do with eating as toxic free as possible, and as natural as possible. We know we are being wimps today, but just like our therapies we like to begin gently, be it weight loss, hormones, chelation or exercise.

Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food

By Jeffrey M. Smith

On May 19th, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on “Physicians to educate their patients, the medical community, and the public to avoid GM (genetically modified) foods when possible and provide educational materials concerning GM foods and health risks.”[1] They called for a moratorium on GM foods, long-term independent studies, and labeling. AAEM’s position paper stated, “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. They conclude, “There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation,” as defined by recognized scientific criteria. “The strength of association and consistency between GM foods and disease is confirmed in several animal studies.”

More and more doctors are already prescribing GM-free diets. Dr. Amy Dean, a Michigan internal medicine specialist, and board member of AAEM says, “I strongly recommend patients eat strictly non-genetically modified foods.” Ohio allergist Dr. John Boyles says “I used to test for soy allergies all the time, but now that soy is genetically engineered, it is so dangerous that I tell people never to eat it.”

Dr. Jennifer Armstrong, President of AAEM, says, “Physicians are probably seeing the effects in their patients, but need to know how to ask the right questions.” World renowned biologist Pushpa M. Bhargava goes one step further. After reviewing more than 600 scientific journals, he concludes that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are a major contributor to the sharply deteriorating health of Americans.

Pregnant women and babies at great risk

Among the population, biologist David Schubert of the Salk Institute warns that “children are the most likely to be adversely effected by toxins and other dietary problems” related to GM foods. He says without adequate studies, the children become “the experimental animals.”[2]

The experience of actual GM-fed experimental animals is scary. When GM soy was fed to female rats, most of their babies died within three weeks—compared to a 10% death rate among the control group fed natural soy.[3] The GM-fed babies were also smaller, and later had problems getting pregnant.[4]

When male rats were fed GM soy, their testicles actually changed color—from the normal pink to dark blue.[5] Mice fed GM soy had altered young sperm.[6] Even the embryos of GM fed parent mice had significant changes in their DNA.[7] Mice fed GM corn in an Austrian government study had fewer babies, which were also smaller than normal.[8]

Reproductive problems also plague livestock. Investigations in the state of Haryana, India revealed that most buffalo that ate GM cottonseed had complications such as premature deliveries, abortions, infertility, and prolapsed uteruses. Many calves died. In the US, about two dozen farmers reported thousands of pigs became sterile after consuming certain GM corn varieties. Some had false pregnancies; others gave birth to bags of water. Cows and bulls also became infertile when fed the same corn.[9]

In the US population, the incidence of low birth weight babies, infertility, and infant mortality are all escalating.

Food designed to produce toxin

GM corn and cotton are engineered to produce their own built-in pesticide in every cell. When bugs bite the plant, the poison splits open their stomach and kills them. Biotech companies claim that the pesticide, called Bt—produced from soil bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis—has a history of safe use, since organic farmers and others use Bt bacteria spray for natural insect control. Genetic engineers insert Bt genes into corn and cotton, so the plants do the killing.

The Bt-toxin produced in GM plants, however, is thousands of times more concentrated than natural Bt spray, is designed to be more toxic,[10] has properties of an allergen, and unlike the spray, cannot be washed off the plant.

Moreover, studies confirm that even the less toxic natural bacterial spray is harmful. When dispersed by plane to kill gypsy moths in the Pacific Northwest, about 500 people reported allergy or flu-like symptoms. Some had to go to the emergency room.[11],[12]

The exact same symptoms are now being reported by farm workers throughout India, from handling Bt cotton.[13] In 2008, based on medical records, the Sunday India reported, “Victims of itching have increased massively this year . . . related to BT cotton farming.”[14]

GMOs provoke immune reactions

AAEM states, “Multiple animal studies show significant immune dysregulation,” including increase in cytokines, which are “associated with asthma, allergy, and inflammation”—all on the rise in the US.

According to GM food safety expert Dr. Arpad Pusztai, changes in the immune status of GM animals are “a consistent feature of all the studies.”[15] Even Monsanto’s own research showed significant immune system changes in rats fed Bt corn.[16] A November 2008 by the Italian government also found that mice have an immune reaction to Bt corn.[17]

GM soy and corn each contain two new proteins with allergenic properties,[18] GM soy has up to seven times more trypsin inhibitor—a known soy allergen,[19] and skin prick tests show some people react to GM, but not to non-GM soy.[20] Soon after GM soy was introduced to the UK, soy allergies skyrocketed by 50%. Perhaps the US epidemic of food allergies and asthma is a casualty of genetic manipulation.

Animals dying in large numbers

In India, animals graze on cotton plants after harvest. But when shepherds let sheep graze on Bt cotton plants, thousands died. Post mortems showed severe irritation and black patches in both intestines and liver (as well as enlarged bile ducts). Investigators said preliminary evidence “strongly suggests that the sheep mortality was due to a toxin. . . . most probably Bt-toxin.”[21] In a small follow-up feeding study by the Deccan Development Society, all sheep fed Bt cotton plants died within 30 days; those that grazed on natural cotton plants remained healthy.

In a small village in Andhra Pradesh, buffalo grazed on cotton plants for eight years without incident. On January 3rd, 2008, the buffalo grazed on Bt cotton plants for the first time. All 13 were sick the next day; all died within 3 days.[22]

Bt corn was also implicated in the deaths of cows in Germany, and horses, water buffaloes, and chickens in The Philippines.[23]

In lab studies, twice the number of chickens fed Liberty Link corn died; 7 of 20 rats fed a GM tomato developed bleeding stomachs; another 7 of 40 died within two weeks.[24] Monsanto’s own study showed evidence of poisoning in major organs of rats fed Bt corn, according to top French toxicologist G. E. Seralini.[25]

Worst finding of all—GMOs remain inside of us

The only published human feeding study revealed what may be the most dangerous problem from GM foods. The gene inserted into GM soy transfers into the DNA of bacteria living inside our intestines and continues to function.[26] This means that long after we stop eating GMOs, we may still have potentially harmful GM proteins produced continuously inside of us. Put more plainly, eating a corn chip produced from Bt corn might transform our intestinal bacteria into living pesticide factories, possibly for the rest of our lives.

When evidence of gene transfer is reported at medical conferences around the US, doctors often respond by citing the huge increase of gastrointestinal problems among their patients over the last decade. GM foods might be colonizing the gut flora of North Americans.

Warnings by government scientists ignored and denied

Scientists at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had warned about all these problems even in the early 1990s. According to documents released from a lawsuit, the scientific consensus at the agency was that GM foods were inherently dangerous, and might create hard-to-detect allergies, poisons, gene transfer to gut bacteria, new diseases, and nutritional problems. They urged their superiors to require rigorous long-term tests.[27] But the White House had ordered the agency to promote biotechnology and the FDA responded by recruiting Michael Taylor, Monsanto’s former attorney, to head up the formation of GMO policy. That policy, which is in effect today, denies knowledge of scientists’ concerns and declares that no safety studies on GMOs are required. It is up to Monsanto and the other biotech companies to determine if their foods are safe. Mr. Taylor later became Monsanto’s vice president.

Dangerously few studies, untraceable diseases

AAEM states, “GM foods have not been properly tested” and “pose a serious health risk.” Not a single human clinical trial on GMOs has been published. A 2007 review of published scientific literature on the “potential toxic effects/health risks of GM plants” revealed “that experimental data are very scarce.” The author concludes his review by asking, “Where is the scientific evidence showing that GM plants/food are toxicologically safe, as assumed by the biotechnology companies?”[28]

Famed Canadian geneticist David Suzuki answers, “The experiments simply haven’t been done and we now have become the guinea pigs.” He adds, “Anyone that says, ‘Oh, we know that this is perfectly safe,’ I say is either unbelievably stupid or deliberately lying.”[29]

Dr. Schubert points out, “If there are problems, we will probably never know because the cause will not be traceable and many diseases take a very long time to develop.” If GMOs happen to cause immediate and acute symptoms with a unique signature, perhaps then we might have a chance to trace the cause.

This is precisely what happened during a US epidemic in the late 1980s. The disease was fast acting, deadly, and caused a unique measurable change in the blood—but it still took more than four years to identify that an epidemic was even occurring. By then it had killed about 100 Americans and caused 5,000-10,000 people to fall sick or become permanently disabled. It was caused by a genetically engineered brand of a food supplement called L-tryptophan.

If other GM foods are contributing to the rise of autism, obesity, diabetes, asthma, cancer, heart disease, allergies, reproductive problems, or any other common health problem now plaguing Americans, we may never know. In fact, since animals fed GMOs had such a wide variety of problems, susceptible people may react to GM food with multiple symptoms. It is therefore telling that in the first nine years after the large scale introduction of GM crops in 1996, the incidence of people with three or more chronic diseases nearly doubled, from 7% to 13%.[30]

To help identify if GMOs are causing harm, the AAEM asks their “members, the medical community, and the independent scientific community to gather case studies potentially related to GM food consumption and health effects, begin epidemiological research to investigate the role of GM foods on human health, and conduct safe methods of determining the effect of GM foods on human health.”

Citizens need not wait for the results before taking the doctors advice to avoid GM foods. People can stay away from anything with soy or corn derivatives, cottonseed and canola oil, and sugar from GM sugar beets—unless it says organic or “non-GMO.” There is a pocket Non-GMO Shopping Guide, co-produced by the Institute for Responsible Technology and the Center for Food Safety, which is available as a download, as well as in natural food stores and in many doctors’ offices.

If even a small percentage of people choose non-GMO brands, the food industry will likely respond as they did in Europe—by removing all GM ingredients. Thus, AAEM’s non-GMO prescription may be a watershed for the US food supply.

International bestselling author and independent filmmaker Jeffrey M. Smith is the Executive Director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and the leading spokesperson on the health dangers of GMOs. His first book, Seeds of Deception is the world’s bestselling book on the subject. His second, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, identifies 65 risks of GMOs and demonstrates how superficial government approvals are not competent to find most of them. He invited the biotech industry to respond in writing with evidence to counter each risk, but correctly predicted that they would refuse, since they don’t have the data to show that their products are safe.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

JAMA--Women need hour workouts?

Today's article fascinates me on the obvious. The headline states that "WOMAN NEED HOUR WORKOUTS TO BEAT FAT." The article is written by Lindsey Tanner AP Medical writer. It was published in the Chicago Sun Times yesterday and The Modesto BEE today. The research was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The newspaper article link is below.,CST-NWS-women24.article

What is fascinating is this statement at the end of the article. "Hormonal changes in menopause can make women prone to weight gain, especially around the belly."

The Mac's say:

"People think our hormones decrease because we age, but in reality, we age because our hormones decrease." Don't let your hormones decrease! Get on bioidentical hormone replacement today! Instead of working out for more than an hour every day optimize your hormones. You'll still need to exercise-BUT NOT FOR OVER AN HOUR EVERYDAY!

And feel great again!

I have been on Hormone therapy for several months and have found that I can go an go. When I first began hormone therapy, I realized that I had been very motivated about life. I asked Vicky, how long it had been since we had stayed home for a weekend. She looked at the calendar and told me 27 weeks. That's over six months! That wasn't me! I loved my soft cushy couch. Hormones got me out into the world and I haven't stopped. I work now more than I ever did. I do because it is fun! Work is fun! I recommend hormone therapy to everyone that is found deficient. Bioidentical Hormones, not synthetic if at all possible.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We're fat! And getting Fatter!

The maps below graphically depict this trend over a 16-year span. It is important to note that these figures are based on telephone interviews where weight and height are self-reported. Self reported data tend to underestimate weight and over-report height. Therefore, the prevalence rates are actually under-estimates compared to the NHANES data which originate from actual measurements.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I barely cheated but I haven't lost any weight in three days!

I hear this all the time. It is believed that one of the functions of hCG is to move fat into the blood to feed the fetus. There has to be two conditions. One condition, is you have to have elevated levels of hCG. The other is that the body must be put into a state of famine, it must be starved. hCG utilizes the stored fats from the mother if a famine exists to feed the fetus. In our case we are the fetus, we are going to feed off the stored fat. If you eat fruits and vegetables with lean proteins three times a day, and eat less than 750 calories, the body will stay in starvation mode and the hCG will mobilize the fat. If you eat or apply anything to your body that makes the body believe that you are not starving, than this function of hCG is neutralized. Remember there are many functions to hCG this is just one of them. Foods that will neutralize the hCG include, fats, sugars, and especially starches. Starches include breads, pastas, potatoes, rice, etc. Fats that I have seen neutralize the hCG come from cheeses, really all dairy, which are filled with sugars too, nuts, they are a great food source but not while on this diet, and legumes, beans another great food source but not during this diet. We will bring back all these great sources of nutrition once we are on the maintenance diet. The bad news is when you eat starches and fats you will not lose weight, even gain weight for two to three days. The good news is that on the fourth day you will usually lose two to four pounds. So, no starches, no fats, no sugars. You probably noticed that I didn't talk too much about sugars and alcohol. I'll talk about them in a future blog. Good luck on your diet and go lose two pounds today while you feel great. Oh yeah, I received a phone call yesterday from a client who had finished the diet and he had his physical and his PCP took him off of all his high blood pressure medicine. He was stoked to say the least.
Dr. Mac

Monday, February 8, 2010

How to cook an egg,

I received a question today about boiling eggs and weight loss. That was a great question. We rarely remember to talk or write about boiling eggs, especially in the States. In Europe, they eat boiled eggs nearly every morning.

Boiling eggs are a great way to cook eggs. The secret is not to overcook them at a high heat for research has shown that overcooking, be it by temperature or length, brings out indigestion and carcinogenic factors, carcinogens are especially seen in overcooked starches. The general consensus is to cook at a temperature of around 100 degrees. The higher temperatures cause the food to be difficult to digest and the nutrients become difficult to extract. This can cause digestive problems and subtle deficiencies in important nutrients. As for weight loss, boiled eggs are important in any weight loss program especially those that include lean proteins. Hard boiling eggs makes it easy to discard the yolk and decrease the fat intake. I especially find that boiling eggs that are a bit older make for a better boiled egg. Europeans have perfected the art of the boiled egg. When in Europe, I have never seen an egg over boiled. The white is much softer than we see in the States. My answer is not to create hardboiled eggs, but a soft boiled eggs. Place the egg in a boiled egg holder, crack the top of the egg with a spoon and spoon out the egg. If you have a hard time with raw eggs try it the European way. A little pepper with fresh lemon is just a delight. This the order an egg should be cooked. Raw--soft boiled--hard boiled--over easy--over hard--scrambled.

Dr. Mac

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Breakfast and some more Egg Facts

How often should you eat eggs and how should you cook them

Don't be afraid to eat eggs. You can easily eat one dozen eggs per week, as they will not cause your cholesterol to increase. Scientists have shown that infants who eat the adult equivalent of 40 eggs per week don't have problems.
If you are cooking your eggs, avoid eating eggs daily.  You should not eat eggs more than five days a week if you prepare them conventionally. You can tolerate eggs on a much more frequent basis if you consume them raw.
I recommend mixing one whole egg with the equivalent of three egg whites.  I personally use organically fed free range chicken egg whites that we get from Trader Joes.  Vicky will add vegetables with this mixture that includes spinach, onions, tomatoes and mushrooms.  She makes to coo these in a carefully not overcooked omelet.
It has been proven that you can eat two dozen eggs a week without increasing your cholesterol as long as you do not overcook your eggs. Oxidized cholesterol contributes to the hardening of our hardening of your arteries, which increases your risk of heart disease. High heat will promote oxidization of cholesterol. Scrambled eggs or omelets are the least healthy way to prepare eggs so don’t overcook the eggs.
Surprisingly, the best way to prepare eggs is to not cook them at all. Simply eat the egg yolk and all-RAW.  Use a half a scoop of undenatured whey with a full egg in your morning protein smoothie. You won’t even notice the egg.

If you’re worried about salmonella from raw eggs, this is more of a concern from commercially raised eggs.  Organic Free Range eggs are shown to have much lower salmonella levels with just 4.4 percent in organic flocks and 6.5 percent in free-range flocks, compared to more than 23 percent of farms with caged hens. So your chances of contracting salmonella when using organic eggs are fairly slim. (Mother Earth News)

Dr. Mac

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Breakfast #3 Organic vs Nonorganic eggs

Why eat organic free range eggs?

Did you know that organic free range eggs have a 1:1 omega 6 to omega 3 ratio, while commercial eggs contain a 19:1 omega 6 to omega 3 ratio? Did you know that ancient men and women had a 1 to 1 ratio within their cell membranes? Do you know what modern men and women?s Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio is? This is a direct quote from an The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health.

?Several sources of information suggest that human beings evolved on a diet with a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA) of approximately 1 whereas in Western diets the ratio is 15/1-16.7/1. Western diets are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and have excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids compared with the diet on which human beings evolved and their genetic patterns were established.?

Is there a correlation here? I have a lot more to say on eggs, but common sense tells me. SPEND THE EXTRA MONEY FOR ORGANIC FREE RANGE EGGS!

Breakfast #2 Denatured vs Undenatured Whey

Undenatured whey is likened to raw milk, whereas denatured whey is likened to pasturized milk. Undenatured regulates health related challenges brought about by a toxic environment, a poor diet, too much stress and the natural aging process.Undenatured whey protein provides your body with the building blocks necessary for each cell to produce Glutathione. Glutathione is the mother of all anti-oxidants. Glutathione is the only anti-oxidant that is found within the cell. Denatured whey does not make glutathione.
There are two major protein groups in cow's milk, whey and casein. About 80% of the total protein in cow's milk is casien, while whey accounts for the remaining 20%. Whey is a natural byproduct of the cheese-making process. Whey Protein makes muscle.  Muscle burns fat.  At the time of purchase, most commercial whey protein has begun to oxidize or may have been completely oxidized. In either case, it is considered to be "denatured". Denatured whey protein simply does not offer the same biological benefits as "undenatured" whey protein; just as cooked food does not offer the same biological benefits as raw food. Denatured whey protein is handled and prepared with a different set of manufacturing processes than undenatured whey protein. It is best to find undenatured whey in individually vacuumed packs to protect its natural highly beneficial properties that include:
1) Contains less than 1% fat and lactose

2) Contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)

3) Contains cystiene (a vital cell nutrient), glutamic acid and glycine

4) Provides the building blocks for the body to make glutathione (GSH) levels

5) Recycles other antioxidants like Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C and Vitamin E

6) Provides Anti-oxidant Assistance, Eliminates Toxins, Improves the Immune System, Anti-Aging Benefits
Undenatured whey protein should be manufactured under pharmaceutical-grade conditions and should be individually packaged. Use a hand mixer instead of a blender. DO NOT MIX THE PRODUCT IN HOT LIQUID OR USE A KITCHEN BLENDER. EXCESSIVE HEAT OR AGITATION MAY DENATURE THE PRODUCT.
Dr. Mac
Thanks to Douglas Moore and Tawne Bachus

Breakfast #1

What should I eat for Breakfast?

Unlike the other HCG diets out there, The Mac HCG Diet allows you to eat Breakfast.  We believe breakfast is an important part of any diet. Research indicates that people who are on a diet and eat a breakfast have nearly a 500% chance of not gaining weight after they have completed the diet compared to someone on a diet that skips breakfast. 

I find that a protein shake is a good way to start off the morning.  Place a cup of filtered water in a blender.  Add a cup of frozen organic berries, blueberries, strawberries, or mixed berries, etc (Trader Joes), add ice and blend.  Then add the undenatured whey on top.  Now, hit the blender on very low.  Allow the protein to circulate but don't murder it.  This makes for a great quick frozen breakfast.  When it is frozen, a spoon is usually necessary and that helps make it feel like a meal instead of a drink.  My daughters love them. They taste just like a real shake.  

When you are on the maintenance program, you may utilize other fruits.  One of our favorites is a chocolate banana protein shake.  We use organic bananas and I use one per person.  Usually the organic banana is much smaller than a non-organic banana.  If you are using non-organic banana use a half of a banana for each serving.  

There is no need to add dairy or soy or rice or almond mild to the shakes.  If you are doing injections of HCG do not and I said do not use any of these milks.

I intend on living forever or die trying!  How about you?  Remember, you only live as long as your waist is small!  Strive for a waist to height ratio of 45% for women and 48% for men.

Love you all, Dr. Mac